Monday, February 11, 2008

The Treaty of Versailles (Ended WW I)

Treaty of Versailles was a peace treaty that legitimately ended World War I. After the World War I ended Germany was blame for the causes of World War I. The treaty of Versailles affected Germany because Germany faced many problems such as they were blamed for world war I which was not fair because there was more countries that took part in world war I and Germany was the only one to be blamed.

Another way the treaty of Versailles affected Germany was that Germany lost many of its land and people, and Germany had to pay billions of dollars for the cause of WWI. Germany also paid for the damages that happened during World War I. Also they broke Germany in half because Germany used to be the once a powerful country and second largest industrial power in the world. During the treaty of Versailles Germany also lost 16% of its coalfields and half its iron and steel industry.

I believe that Treaty of Versailles was a bad turning point for Germany because they faced a lot inequality for something not only they did. They were also forced to accept the guilt for starting the war.

Many historians believed that treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Fascism and Adolph Hitler, I believe that the historians were right because treaty of Versailles didn’t stop World War I it started another war, which was called World War II.

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