Thursday, February 7, 2008

Film Lesson "Gandhi"

Gandhi was one of the famous people in history who people mostly forget about because they forget the things he did for India independence and they forget that he risks his life in order to do that. Gandhi helped the people of India by civil disobedience.

According to the film Gandhi, he helped India in many ways. One way Gandhi helped India’s independence is that he told the Hindus and the Muslim to practice non-violence. He told them if the British hit and beat you, you do not fight back because Gandhi said, “Eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”. So people began being non-violence, which really helped the India in independence.

Another way Gandhi helped India’s independence is that he and his followers walked for about 240 miles around the coastline and made their own salt because they didn’t want to get salt from the British and they didn’t wanted to pay tax to them.

The non-violence philosophy that Gandhi used repeatedly was very effective to his fight for independence because it showed that he was the better man and since he was not fight the British that made the British looked bad. The British keep arresting Gandhi so that will stop him down. However their plan backed fire because the more times he goes to jail the stronger that makes him in the independence movement.

Do you think India's Independence was all about Gandhi? Or do you think it would have happened anyway?
From my opinion and facts from the movie I believe that Indian independence was all about Gandhi because he showed the Indians how to stand up for themselves and how to practice civil disobedience.

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